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Featured Product
pop these copper hoops in your ears (first, second, third piercing, we’re not judging) and make the perfect earring stack.
hand-made in sterling silver by pip hawksworth from fifteen
'cat computer' print
'dream vortex' print
'moon hand' print
Shop our newest Lulu Qiu A5 prints!
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take your pick of the newest arrivals x
postcard prints
tyler jerrom
ginsberg prints
tyler jerrom
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“Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.”
— Franz Kafka
perfect together
look for it all in one place - try these ones together x
some straight facts
our eco aspirations
we try our very hardest to use recycled, compostable, realistic, and reusable materials while running young.
learn more about our thoughts and eco-friendly stance
want to hear our story?
there’s a few wishes that came about when young. was started
hear more about why young. exists, and why we centre ourselves on youth (we’re not ageist we swear!)